The #1 Lesson Learned From Building An App Business

We ventured into the App business about 1 year ago with a tiny germ of an idea on how to do it.

We spoke to 5-6 venture capitalists. We almost got a deal with a VC but they backed off at the last second (a confused bunch). We are good friends with several of them now.

Our first few apps didn’t take off. Despite keeping my burnt rate low, I still burnt close to $50,000.

Fast forward today, we have a fast growing app empire. Averaging 10,000 downloads a day.. and still growing.

So what is the lesson? Persistence. I know it sounds cliche yet this is so important. I’ve seen so many smarter people giving up too early… using “logic” to justify why they should quit. It just doesn’t make sense.

In short, persistence opens doors. It can lead you to the right information, timing and people. And when those click, the magic begins.

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