We all know how tedious or even frustrating it can be at times to find a name for a new product or company…
Here are 3 ideas to help you out:
1. Shopify Business Name Generator
A pretty neat tool. Feed the tool with a word of your choice and it will churn a list of suggestions. Not the most original names, but hey, it’s free.
2. Fiverr
This is my favorite. Head over to Fiverr.com. Search under brand name and you find providers who can brainstorm up to 5 names for just $5.00.
And you be surprised what $5.00 can buy you. You might not get what you want exactly, but you probably can get some really cool suggestions off it.
3. Combine both #1, #2 together.
You get the best of both worlds. Machine and human touch. Then let your creativity juices run wild.
I’ve used the above many times to snag really cool, brand-able names and domain names that are often only 2 syllables long. Those are the gems.